
Instant 10-minute Yoga

If you find you are dragging yourself out of bed on Monday mornings exhausted before you've even begun the week or you can't enjoy your evenings because work drains you of every ounce of energy, then finding ten minutes a day for some yoga just might be the answer.

You can boost your energy levels and balance your body with ten minutes of dynamic yoga.  Its simplicity and almost instantaneous benefits have made an alternative exercise. Normally known for its relaxation benefits, dynamic yoga can boost your energy levels in just 10 minutes.

It includes some of the most basic yoga postures. You can try each of them individually, or in succession, but none of them should be rushed and you should feel the benefits after just ten minutes.

The deep stretches and graceful movements help to unblock energy, improve muscle tone and increase your general stamina. When practised regularly, say enthusiasts, you will experience improved energy levels, greater sexual vitality and better self-discipline. In the long-term, the breathing and body exercises will help detoxify your mind of tension and strain, creating calm and an inner peace.

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